The efforts of numerous companies to enter the world market and the adoption of international standards on the availability and preparation of instructions have significantly contributed to the increasing need for the translation of technical documentation.
These factors, along with the development of international cooperation in different fields of science, technology, and industry, clearly explain why technical translation is one of the most important sources of business for the translation profession. Almost all modern appliances and products come with instructions and specifications, and end-users rely on technical documentation to provide them with simple, proper and efficient use, and useful information.
Some examples of technical documentation are:
- Operating, maintenance, and repair manuals
- User guides
- Software documentation
- Engineering specifications
- Product catalogs
- Standards and norms
- Graphics and diagrams
The consequences of misunderstanding complex technical processes or ways of handling or managing devices may be numerous, with the device malfunction being the smallest problem. The most serious consequence may be the loss of trust of users or consumers. Therefore, when translating technical texts, translators should first establish the thematic area, style of language, and purpose of the text so that the text can be translated as clearly and accurately as possible.
Proverbum provides translation services for numerous different types of technical texts. Over many years of practice, our translation team has acquired broad experience and expertise in the translation of specialized technical documentation, from telecommunications and IT to health care and economics. In our work, we rely on established practices that guarantee successful and functional translation, including:
- The use of specialized terminology and glossaries
- Cooperation with native speakers
- The use of specialized terminology and glossaries
Specialized terminology is probably the most recognizable feature of technical texts, and it contributes to their characteristic tone. Many industrial and scientific fields use similar terms that have different meanings adapted to their field, which can easily lead to errors in translation. Therefore, Proverbum constantly compiles and updates glossaries with terms adjusted to specific fields in order to achieve accuracy and consistency in translation and to keep up with changes and new concepts that regularly arise.
Cooperation with native speakers
For the purposes of technical translation, Proverbum cooperates with expert associates with the appropriate experience and education, who provide their insight and help us research and understand the subject area in order to translate the meanings and messages of the original text with absolute certainty and accuracy.
Proverbum translation agency guarantees that your technical documentation will be professionally and accurately translated in a way that will allow the target audience to properly and efficiently use the information contained in the source text.